About Me
Hello, my name is Dani and I am a style and makeup-a-holic. I love the way style and makeup make me feel as a woman and I truly believe these are key factors in supporting a woman's own self confidence. Since my early childhood memories of sitting in my mothers closet watching her put outfits together and playing dress up with her Ferragamo shoes, paired with my first Sephora experience at the age of 15 on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, I have been hooked.
I live in the Washington D.C. Metro Area (specifically Old Town Alexandria) with my husband, David and cats Peaches and Pinky. I created Blonde in the District in October 2014 after leaving a job that left me feeling broken and uninspired. I longed for creativity and I stumbled into blogging as my outlet, not knowing where it would take me. Since then, BITD has become my world, my inspirations, and my passions. My goal as a blogger is to share my personal life, style, beauty, and travel experiences with all of you, to encourage confidence of self and confidence to chase after your dreams. Because that is what BITD has done for me.
Blonde in the District

10 Fun Facts About Me
1. The Great Gatsby is my FAVE book and I am obsessed with the Roaring 20s due to my love of the book. What a beautifully tragic story.
2. I am enthralled with Egyptian history. There is seriously nothing cooler than the pyramids and the beauty secrets of Egyptian women.
Hello, Kohl eyeliner, cat eyes, and amazing gold jewelry. Cleopatra was one hot lady.
3. Speaking of cats, I love cats. Full stop.
4. I love to travel. Its important to see the way people live and experience other cultures. My travel bucket list includes Egypt, Prague,
Greece, and Norway.
5. I firmly believe there is nothing worse than chipped nail polish. Chipped nail polish makes my skin crawl. If you ever see me with badly
chipped nails, then there must be a Zombie Apocalypse occurring.
6. Other than DC, New York City and Las Vegas are my favorite U.S. cities. My wedding was even in Las Vegas!
7. My favorite musical artist is Lady Gaga. I've also become quite the Swiftie in recent years.
8. As a kid, I was a synchronized swimmer!
9. I have unfulfilled dreams of performing on Broadway and listen to show tunes and daydream of performing them on stage. My favorite
tunes to daydream to are Chicago.
10. My favorite TV series is Sex and the City, followed by The Sopranos.