Today marks the official two year anniversary of the launch of Blonde in the District! I still remember that day in 2014 vividly- hitting "publish" on my unpublished draft blog while I was wondering where this would take me. I first started this blog as a way to feed my creative side that had been hungry for quite some time after I was let down by a really rough job that drained me of my time, hope, and talents. I felt defeated, and knew that the only way I could raise myself back up was to invest my time and talents into something I knew and loved- personal style.

I had been teetering with the thought of starting this blog, but I kept second guessing myself and putting it off until one day I woke up and said, "I'm doing it," and got to work. I went out and bought a camera, I made a logo, and I signed up with Wix as a website host and the rest was history. Like anything else in life, when you want something, you have to just go for it and do it. All the time you spend making excuses or doubting yourself is wasted time that is putting you further away from your dreams.
The past 2 years have been fulfilling, but hard. I have learned quite a bit about myself in the process which has left me more aware with my own persona. Starting the blog was just a thing to do at the time, but it has since evolved into a part of me and who I am. It has introduced me to many amazing people and new friends. It has brought me new business and brand collaborations. It has made me vulnerable- in the way that I am putting my thoughts and opinions on display for the whole world to see. It has made me a target for judgement. It has taught me dedication and perseverance. It has taught me confidence and granted me the ability to turn my style up a few notches. It has taught me to take risks- not only with style, but with life. And most importantly, it has taught me to stay true to myself.
Through the hard times of blogging like not feeling welcome at an event (hence my Bubbles & Bloggers meetup idea), having writer's block or not enough solid content for a post, feeling down on yourself when a deal doesn't go through or you finally decided to have the guts to email a brand yourself, and you get no response; there are good times that outweigh the rest. The good times of blogging like making new friends who understand the community and support you in your endeavors, or when a large brand approaches you for a collab, or when someone you never knew follows your blog sees you in public and comments how much they like your work- that is what makes blogging worth while. The most important thing we can do for ourselves as individuals is to keep moving forward, past the self doubt or past hard times, and always push on.
Reflecting on the decision to start my blog, I'll leave with this: For me, the dream was (and still is) blogging. For you it may be something completely opposite, but if you have an urge to take your life in another direction or start up a side business- do it. No one else is going to chase your dreams for you.
To end on the note of taking risks, this outfit is definitely a risk for me. Wearing a sheer top is something I almost never do, but I was feeling like I wanted to push my barrier and just go for it. I need to practice what I'm preaching in this post, right? So here you have it- a risk specially from me to you, urging you to take one too (whether it be a personal or style risk!).
Outfit Details: Zophia CEO Skirt | ZARA Fringed Top | B by Brian Atwood Booties | Faux Fur Stole, similar here | Choker, similar here |
Blonde in the District