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WCW: The Caro Love

Writer's picture: Dani SauterDani Sauter

Today's feature is a stray from my normal posts. This is the first time I have ever dedicated a #WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) blog post to someone, and I'm proud to grant this first ever WCW to my close friend and DC blogger, Caroline Downing of The Caro Love. Caro is known for her WCW posts, so I decided to flip the post on her, and feature her for once since she is always featuring other fab ladies (check out her WCW on yours truly here). This post is compromised of an entry about Caro written by me, with the questions she asks for all of her WCW posts.

The Caro Love

Caro and I met at the very first blogger brunch I planned in February 2016- it wasn't even called Bubbles & Bloggers then! She and I had been following each other on Insta and always commented/liked each others posts. I knew I liked her the moment I saw her Insta, and our first meeting in person was like a breeze. I felt like she was a long lost sorority sister from college. She and I met before the brunch and we snapped outfit pics for each other in one of my fave street art spots- The Fridge, and that shoot is still one of my favorites today.

Since then, Caro has become a close friend and confidant and we communicate daily. An ILLUMINATI sister (don't ask, lol), she is a caring and thoughtful friend and I deeply value our relationship. In addition, she is a talented blogger and I'm happy to say we share similar style interests (cats, pink, sparkles, etc). Caro seriously creates amazing content and has the best collages and gift ideas, like ever, so be sure to check her blog and Insta out for some serious inspo.

As Bubbles & Bloggers has grown, Caro has been instrumental in assisting with recruitment of new bloggers and supporting and planning of the B&B events. It was all thanks to her we made a B&B Field Trip to Butlers Orchard back in October and had the Barbie themed brunch last month. After the last brunch, Caro asked for more responsibility with the group and is named our Community Manager. She recruits new bloggers to continue growth and runs the B&B Instagram account. She is seriously slaying the B&B game, and I couldn't be happier to have her running our account. Caro, you are amazing and I thank you for caring so much about our community.

NOW, let's get on to the best part of the post! Below are Caro's WCW questions, all answered by Caro herself. Enjoy, friends!

The Caro Love

10 songs for a perfect sound track (This is my official apology to everyone I’ve made do this! Picking only 10 songs is SO HARD!) If you want to check any of them out, here’s the Spotify link to the playlist) 1. Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings 2. Don’t Worry Baby by The Beach Boys 3. I Wanna by The All-American Rejects 4. Figure Me Out by The Summer Set 5. Want to Want Me by Jason Derulo 6. One Day More from Les Miserables 7. Roar by Katy Perry 8. Stand by You by Rachel Platton 9. Sunshine by Tigerweather 10. Daylight by Matt and Kim

9 words to describe you Sassafras, spunky, sensitive, sentimental, prep-with-an-edge, determined, inclusive, creative, plan-y (have you ever seen American Psycho? That’s how I feel about making reservations.)

8 reasons that you love your life I’ve literally been encouraged from the day I was born to live up to my full potential.

My best friend proposed to me on stage with my favorite band… and I get to spend the rest of my life with him.

I can see colors, hear music, and dance if I want because my legs work. Sometimes I just have to stop and be thankful for the things we take for granted.

I have a charmed life. I’ve gotten to meet some amazing people and have had way more experiences than I think I even deserve.

My parents have been together for 29 years, even after losing a child. They’ve set a wonderful example of how marriage should be.

I was fortunate to go to film school and take part in making a documentary. Even though that’s not the career path I ended up taking, I still got to try it!

Kendall and I have a couple really sweet routines that hold my week together. Pizza Wednesdays and big breakfasts on weekends are so small but mean so much.

I got to grow up in the same house, in the same town my entire life. That means same church, school, pool, dance studio etc. So many of the people in my life have been around my whole life. And it’s a small town so everyone knows everyone and you never feel alone. YAS Laytonsville/ Olney/ Gaithersburg.

The Caro Love

7 essentials in your closet Cotton t-shirt dresses, navy Vans, backpacks, novelty purses, denim jackets, sturdy totes, statement necklaces (I would link these to posts on my blog but like it’s every other post)

6 non-electronic things you can't live without I want to say iPod but that is against the rules- My planner , my little pillow (it was my grandma’s baby pillow and then mine and I still rub it on my face like a weirdo when I don’t feel well), Tumblers of cold water all day erryday (I’m a thirsty lil Pisces), Sunshine days, Does music count?I’ll just say music, Comfy places to curl up.

5 people who have impacted your life My parents. I’m going to combine them as one because their marriage/ raising us is a total partnership situation.

Kendall. I can’t imagine my life without him now. He grounds me and encourages me and is the best partner I could ask for.

Jonnie Baker. He’s in the band Relic Hearts. The day I met him, he actually got in a bus accident. Days later, their van blew up with them in it. They finished Warped Tour in a PT Cruiser. Since then, we’ve checked in with each other and he was the one person in the music industry who both supported my dream of making a music documentary and let me know it was ok to let that dream go for a more sustainable job.

Robert Manciero. He directed the documentary I was in about my sister and other children affected by medications when I was in high school. This documentary went on to win awards and change lives. He was the reason I wanted to go into film, to tell stories.

I’m going to clump all the powerful women I know into one group. I am in awe every day of my friends and family (and friends who feel like family) and what they are accomplishing.

4 places you'd like to visit Australia (likely where we’ll be going on our honeymoon!) Tokyo Austin (I hear it’s weird. Let’s keep it that way.) Cannes

The Caro Love

3 unpopular opinions you have PT Cruisers are the best cars. My little Topless Bri got me safely through a BLIZZARD. I actually think Avril Lavigne and Paris Hilton are both great. Fight me. I don't think dress codes are a bad thing and I want teenagers to stop protesting them.

2 things that scare you Mediocrity + antique dolls

1 quote to live by I actually have part of this tattooed on my side in handwriting by Travis Clark, the lead singer of We The Kings. He’s another person who has so positively impacted my life so I snuck him in down here. ;) “And if the moon had to runaway And all the stars didn't wanna play Don't waste the sun on a rainy day The wind will soon blow it all away” - from Shine On by Jet

The Caro Love

*All photos provided by Caroline.


Blonde in the District

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Hi friends, I'm Dani, a Washington DC blogger and content creator of Blonde in the District.

My blog is a curated collection of my personal life interests, style picks, beauty faves, and travel diaries, all with an emphasis on confidence and supporting the local community. My favorite pastimes are shopping, cats, sipping champagne, and traveling. 


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