Collaboration. You've heard the word here on BITD a few times now. Today's collab is a whole new perspective, heated around the upcoming MEET THE CURATOR "WELCOME TO THE WAKEUP"event happening next Friday, April 21.

Before I go into event specifics, I want to highlight what "Welcome to the Wake Up" means. The "Wake Up" is symbolic of what made you take a leap of faith to go after your goals and dreams- an awakening of self. This collaboration was all about the coming together of DC brands, all of whom have experienced the wake up and took the jump to establish our own individual brands and businesses.
This tag line is associated with Meet the Curator, a new DC athleisure and lifestyle brand focused on people curating their lives how they see fit. The founder, Kevin Nmah, is a close friend of mine and I've known him for many, many years. My husband went to middle school with Kevin and he was even in our wedding. Establishing this brand has been on Kevin's mind for quite some time, and I'm happy to see him launch his brand for the world to see. The mission is something I can totally get behind as a blogger and I truly believe everyone can be inspired by the brand to chase your goals.
After many discussions with Kevin, I had the idea to do a collaboration with other local area brands who have all recently had their wake up call. Having worked with Urban Jungle DC, JRH Graphics, Bailiwick Clothing, and Dee Crowley, in the recently months, I knew they would all be a perfect mix for the 'Welcome to the Wake Up' collab. Not only do they all have successful businesses or blogs, they are part of the DC creative community and most importantly- support others. Kevin enlisted up-and-coming DC photographer, Paul North, who was a perfect addition to the group.
As curators of our brands, we each have our own perspective on our 'awakening.' For me, it was leaving a bad job that stripped me of my creativity. I needed an outlet, and I wanted to switch my corporate career to the fashion industry. But, no one would hire me in the fashion or beauty industry due to my "lack" of style experience. I had an excellent resume from a business standpoint, but it wasn't good enough for fashion. This infuriated me as I knew I could excel in any of the jobs I applied for, but I was overlooked. So, I decided to create my blog for myself to feed my need for creativity and see where it led me. Fast forward 2.5 years to now, where its led me to meet inspiring people such as this group.
In addition to my story, I want to share with you the wake up calls of others, in hopes this inspires you to wake up to yours.
Cody Alexander, Owner of Urban Jungle DC.
Cody took his leap of faith to start Urban Jungle DC, due to his passion in plants and wanting to educate the public about orchids and long-life plants.
Jonathan Howard, Owner of JRH Graphics.
Jonathan took his leap of faith in starting his own graphics business after leaving a job he had been in for 20+ years.
JC Smith, Owner of Bailiwick Clothing.
JC took his leap of faith to start Bailiwick Clothing with his brother after they submitted a design in a t-shirt contest and won, but were not given the credit when it was produced and sold.
Dee Crowley, Blogger of Twenty Somethin and Black
Dee is taking her leap of faith by starting a new blog, Twenty Somethin & Black, with her close friend, that will launch in the coming months.
If you're feeling the vibe, I hope you can join us next Friday, April 21 at Bourbon Adams Morgan, for WELCOME TO THE WAKEUP, an inspiring night of celebrating the launch of Meet the Curator.
All photos by Paul North
Keep curating, friends.
Blonde in the District