On the final day of our NYFW experience, we woke up struggling from a night of margs at Tortilla Flats, dancing at the Gansevoort Meatpacking, and 99 cent pizza at 4am. But, we had a blast. We pulled ourselves together and got ready to attend our final NYFW show, Dan Liu at Skylight Clarkson Square.

NYFW Day 3 Look:
NYFW Diary: Day 3
Even though we were exhausted, we made it to the Dan Liu show early to ensure we got seats. Skylight Clarkson Square is the main hub for NYFW shows (kind of like how Lincoln Center was the hub when it was still under Mercedes Benz), and it was the first time during the trip we were visiting this venue for a show. I had been to Skylight Clarkson Square in February, but it was such a hot crowded mess that we were unable to get into the show since it reached max capacity.
When attending a show at Skylight Clarkson Square, get there early! I don't know if its because it is the main hub, or if its the layout of the building, but the lines seem even more packed and they are much more cautious with seat assignments. In line for the show, we saw a lot of other DC bloggers which made me happy to see that we had a footprint in NYC!
Dan Liu is a Canadian designer who is inspired by his Chinese and Japanese heritage. His show was incredible. Other than Philipp Plien, this was my favorite show of NYFW. The theme was "The Lonely Beach Feeling." The models all had peacock feathers on their eyebrows or foreheads and the clothes were impeccable. I liked almost every outfit that was sent down the runway and I saw myself in a lot of the dresses. His designs were bright with corals, white, delicate floral prints, and laser cut lace. I have a feeling white is going to be the color for 2018 spring, as I noticed white was a big color in most of the shows we attended.
Normally fashion shows are less than 10 minutes. The Dan Liu show was a little under 25 minutes, which was incredible! I felt like he put so much effort into really giving a presentation and it showed. I loved every minute of the show and respected that his presentation was long. His finale was a gorgeous long white dress with a collar inspired by his Chinese heritage, and the model carried a peacock feather ring that looked like a hula hoop, which she shimmied at the end of the runway and gained much applause.

Photo from Dan Liu Facebook
I enjoyed this show so much, and it was totally worth dragging myself out of bed after just 3.5 hours of sleep. After the show we took pictures by a Givenchy cat advertisement (one of the cat models looked like Chloe!), grabbed much needed coffee and went back to the hotel to pack and head to Penn Station.
On the way to Penn Station I felt pained leaving NYC after such a surreal and incredible trip. NYFW had sadly come to an end, but I left feeling so inspired by the excitement and style, that I knew it was only the beginning.
Blonde in the District