Todays Gift Guide is one that I have been looking forward to since I came up with the idea a few weeks ago. As a crazy cat lady myself, I love to gift and receive gifts geared around my beloved interest of cats. Being a kitty lover, I have embraced bringing cats into my personal style. Incorporating cats into my style has been a great decision for me, as it makes me smile and thinking about my Chloe girl, but its also a way to show who you are!

Cat hair slider by one of my favorite DC jewelry designers, Rachel Pfeffer.
See the cat slider here, and more cat goods here: Sterling Silver Cat Ear Threads | Cat Ring | Cat Studs | Little Cat Pendant | Cat with Heart Eyes Necklace |
Some of my favorite accessories I own are cat themed (like my kitty purse & kitty flats). Since I'm a firm believer of more is more, I like to wear my cat pieces together, in true crazy cat lady fashion. I love showing off my love of cats and its a great conversation starter. I am always getting compliments and comments on my cat goods!
While there are tons of cat goods out there, finding picks that don't look too crazy or are tasteful can be a challenge. They can be so very fabulous, or borderline tacky and cartoonish, too. Just because there is a cat on the item, doesn't mean every cat lover will like it, either. I personally am super picky, so I decided to compile a round up of tasteful and fun gifts that any kitty lover on your holiday gift list would love to receive!
The Crazy Cat Lady Holiday Gift Guide:
Not pictured above- Custom Pet print/shirt/card from Jungle Club

Above and below image c/o Jungle Club

Blonde in the District