Real talk- every intention I had of writing a Merry Christmas post was thrown to the wayside over the holidays as I developed a terrible stomach flu. I spent the holidays wallowing in self pity in bed, with very little energy to do anything. I'm feeling much better now, but I'm seriously bummed that I missed out on really enjoying the holiday. That said, I'm ready for New Year's Eve so I can make up for the fun lost over Christmas. I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas holiday filled with love and happiness, and I hope Santa brought you something extra special.

Photo by Arielle Lewis Studios.
No matter what your plans are for NYE, there's one thing that is for sure- SEQUINS/GLITTER ARE A MUST. This is the one night of the year that you can get away with going all out on sparkle, so you may as well glitter it up! I of course live my life one sequin at a time, but I understand this isn't how everyone lives, lol.
That said, I have rounded up some fab makeup, shoe, dress, and accessory picks that are all either glittery or festive to say goodbye to 2017 and ring in 2018 stylishly. You can either shop these items in store or order them online today, to arrive before Sunday! If you're worried about wearing too much sparkle, start slow and go with shoes and makeup first, then work your way into sequin dresses. I say why not go for it all, but hey- that's just my advice!
NYE Glitter Makeup Picks:
NYE Festive Shoes:
NYE Sequin Dresses:
NYE Festive Accessories:
Blonde in the District