When I like an item – I mean REALLY like an item, I find myself wearing it on repeat. Case in point: white boots. I honestly can’t get enough of them. The obsession started last year when ELOQUII showcased white knee high boots that actually fit my calves. I wore them almost daily, bought a backup pair, and cried a little inside when I had to retire them for spring/summer. I ended up making it through my white knee high boot retired sadness with white ankle boots throughout spring and summer, but it just wan't the same.

Since their seasonal retirement, I have been patiently waiting for fall to break them back out, but along the way I also purchased a third pair when I saw ELOQUII brought them back this year, but with a lower heel and higher shaft height. With the lower temps, white boots are back on the horizon and you will likely see me in them 5 days out of the week. I'm not sure what it is about them, but I just love them. Not to mention, they literally go with ALMOST everything in my closet and they make a bold statement.

I’ve always liked the idea of white boots. In college, I was cast in a play my freshman year that took place around the Vietnam War called A Piece of My Heart. My character was Mary Jo, a singer who went to Vietnam to entertain the troops. The costume designer made me this amazing gold two piece top and skirt set and had a vision of pairing the set with white knee high go-go boots. However, given this was in 2002 and the option for wide-calf boots wasn’t a thing then, we went through 4 pairs of boots before we found a pair that fit me. She ordered the first pair online and they were EVERYTHING. The moment I set my eyes on those boots, I was in love. The only problem was they wouldn’t zip over my calves. We had to settle for a pair that looked matronly and was more of a beige, but it was our only choice.
Later in college when UGGs hit the scene, I saw a white pair at Nordstrom. WHITE UGGS. I begged for them for Christmas and I wore them until they eventually turned yellow lol. College parties make it hard to keep anything clean- particularly white UGG boots. Other girls in my sorority were either confused by my choice of white UGGs and made jokes that they looked like moon boots, and the other half went out and bought them for themselves. I had turned to these UGGs as a way to wear white boots when I couldn't have my white go-go boots. Looking back, maybe it wasn't a pretty option, but as Tim Gunn says, I made it work.

Subconsciously I always wanted that perfect pair of bright white go-go boots, and thanks to ELOQUII, last year I FINALLY had them. I have realized that in part, this may be why I cherish these white boots so much- filling that want for the perfect pair of white knee high boots from 15 years ago!
To celebrate white boot season, I did a roundup of white boots because I firmly think everyone needs at least one pair of white boots in their closet for the season. Check out some faves below!
*Photos by Arielle Lewis Studios
Blonde in District