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Writer's pictureDani Sauter

Life Update

Alright friends, I know its been awhile, and that’s on me. The past few months have been an emotional roller coaster and I lost focus for awhile.

In the middle of May, my beloved fur baby Chloe, started to become very sick. I had noticed a decline in her health for awhile and after numerous vet visits with no improvement, I opted to take her to a new vet for a second opinion. By the time the new vet saw her, she was diagnosed with cancer, however the type of cancer couldn’t be pinpointed (they think it was either Leukemia or Lymphoma) at the time and it was too late to save her. The other vet had misdiagnosed her with a food allergy. I took the news very hard, blaming myself for not getting a second opinion sooner. I tried as hard as I could at the time, but ultimately I felt helpless in how I could help her this late in her illness.

With her rapidly declining health, she only had a few more days left after the cancer diagnosis and I spent the time with her at home and was with her up until the end. Her loss took a massive toll on me emotionally and I took a step back to focus on processing the loss and work on healing my broken heart. It had been a very long time since I lost a pet and I had forgotten how painful it is. If you have recently lost a pet, my heart goes out to you and your family.

June was a very weird month for me. I was processing the loss of Chloe (she passed on June 5); trying to lift my spirits for my birthday mid-month; and made the decision at the end of the month to adopt another kitty to help heal the loss I felt without a kitty companion. It was a month full of loss, grief, empathy, sensitivity, and hope.

Meet Peaches!

I made the decision to adopt Peaches after the loneliness I felt at home after losing Chloe. Not having a kitty companion when you are used to having a kitty always by your side is difficult. I adopted Chloe from Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundation, so I decided to adopt from them again and found Peaches- an almost one year old kitty who was handed over to LDCRF from West Virginia while she was pregnant at just 8 months old (yes, so young!) and had a liter of 5 kittens. After having the liter, she become very sick with an infection and could not care for her kittens so LDCRF separated the kittens from Peaches and put them in foster care with another nursing cat. Peaches spent a week at the vet recovering from the infection and at first, they did not think she would pull through. But, she did! She is a gorgeous girl (and she knows it!) and is so very sweet!

Meet Pinky!

After having Peaches for 2 weeks, I decided to reach out to LDCRF to see if her kittens were ready for adoption yet. Peaches was doing great, but I felt she could benefit from having a playmate and what better playmate for her than her very own kitten! I adopted Pinky as soon as she was ready for adoption from her foster at 3 months old. I had to integrate Peaches and Pinky (that is a whole other story, lol), since they had been separated and would not recognize each other, even though they are mom and kitten. Pinky is a bursting ball of joy (and mischief lol), and has become very attached to me the past few weeks. I’m so happy that I was able to give these girls a home and reunite them.

While I still miss Chloe so much (and always will), these kitties have helped heal my broken soul the past few weeks. They’ve definitely given me new purpose and have consumed a lot of my time navigating the integration and taking care of two young kitties! If you are looking to adopt a cat or dog, please be sure to keep LDCRF in mind- they have lots of adorable kitties and pups who need forever homes!

Now that I’ve emotionally recovered (mostly) from the ups and downs of the last 3 months, I have some new, fresh content coming up that I’m excited to share with you, so stay tuned!


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