Welcome to Blonde in the District, fashion friends!
I am Dani, a 30 year old high heel wearing, cat-loving, iced coffee drinking, makeup and style addict living in the Washington DC Metro area. I value makeup and style as a means of feeling wonderful as a woman and love to share my tips with other women to make them feel wonderful too.
After turning 30 this summer, I realized that I still had a lot I wanted to accomplish and decided I needed a creative outlet to express my makeup and style ideals. After lots of thinking and brainstorming, I came up with Blonde in the District: a lifestyle blog focused on makeup and style, while also showcasing all the amazing things the DMV has to offer.

What can you expect from Blonde in the District?
1. Weekly style and beauty picks and other fun weekly picks such as my music playlist (i.e. whats getting me through my Metrobus commute) and quote of the week.
2. Work Wear Wednesdays. I will dedicate Wednesday posts to work/professional attire tips.
3. Overall makeup and beauty tips.
4. Overall style tips/what I'm wearing- with affordability as a big factor.
5. DC Culture, Events, and Restaurants recommendations and reviews.
6. While my concept is still new and evolving, be prepared to see other out of the box posts! I aim to have a great connection with all of you, so if there is a blog post you'd like to request or style/beauty question you have, Contact Me!

Happy reading, fashion friends! Thanks for stopping by!
Blonde in the District